AAP Newsletter February 2023 |
Message from the CEO Events
Prizes – call for entries
Grants – call for applications
Committee News
Awards and Honours
Jobs, PhD positions & Volunteer roles – calls for applications
Program Events – upcoming |
Message from the CEO This is the first newsletter for 2023, our centenary year. Happy New Year everyone. What a year to be a member of the AAP! The theme for the year is Celebrating Australasian Philosophy--Bridging the Past, Present, and Future. Expect every newsletter this year to highlight celebration events and acknowledgements of the contributions of Australasian Philosophy and Philosophers over the last 100 years. In this newsletter we are opening submissions for abstracts of papers, panel sessions, and author meets critic sessions for our 2023 conference at the ACU in Melbourne. It’s going to be big! So, get your submissions in early. After several years of online conferences, it’s the perfect year to get together in person again to engage safely in good philosophy and camaraderie. But for those of you who feel unsafe or are unable to attend in person, the great news is that this year (and in future years) we will be running a separate online conference shortly after the in-person event. In this way, we hope to meet the needs and desires of all of our members to be maximally inclusive. I dearly hope to see you all at some point this year, and get an opportunity to share with you in the celebrations. Stuart Brock AAP CEO |
2023 AAP CONFERENCE 2023 AAP Centenary Conference - Celebrating Australasian Philosophy - Bridging the Past, Present and Future Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Australia https://aap.org.au/Conference-2023 Held annually since 1923, the 2023 Conference will be held in-person hosted by the Dianoia Institute of Philosophy and School of Philosophy at the Australian Catholic University in Melbourne, 2 - 6 July 2023. The conference is designed to give professional philosophers and philosophy postgraduate students the opportunity to present and discuss papers in all areas of philosophy. Each year the conference attracts around 300 philosophers worldwide. 2023 marks the 100th year of the Association, and the 100th annual conference of the organisation. To celebrate this milestone, we have a theme for this year's conference: Celebrating Australasian Philosophy - Bridging the Past, Present, and Future. Submissions of abstracts or streams that address this theme are especially welcome. Keynote speakers for this event include:
The Presidential Address will be given by Graham Oppy - Monash University. Submissions: We welcome submissions in all areas of philosophy. Abstracts can be submitted for papers, panel sessions, and author meets critics including multi-author panel presentations. We look forward to an outstanding slate of keynote speakers, as well as talks from fantastic philosophers from around the world. Streams: Should you and your colleagues have an idea for a stream to be offered at the conference, please have the stream convenor contact the conference committee convenor at conference@aap.org.au, with the following details: (1) the title of the stream and (2) the people who will be giving presentations in the stream. The presenters will have to submit an abstract through the usual portal, but they should do so only after the stream convenor has contacted the conference committee convenor. The submission portal will contain a menu of streams, and the presenter should choose the stream in which they will present. Key dates: Postgraduate Presentation Prize: 9 May 2023 Abstract submission: 23 May 2023 Subsidy applications (Postgraduate and Undergraduate): 30 May 2023 Early Bird Registration: 6 June 2023 2023 AAP Conference organisers: Dmitri Gallow, Nick Munn, Joe Ulatowski |
The AAP postgraduate committee would like to welcome bids to host the 2023 Australasian Philosophy Postgraduate Conference (APPC). The APPC allows postgraduate students from Australasia to present their work, debate their ideas, receive feedback from peers, and form collaborations across institutions. It also presents an opportunity for postgraduate students from a chosen institution to organise this fantastic event to build their skill set, enhance their academic CV and contribute to the important landscape of Australasian philosophy. We are looking for a group of dedicated postgraduate students from an Australasian university to form an organising committee to bring this event to life. The AAP postgraduate committee has run this conference online for the past three years and is now excited to help transition this event back to an on-campus experience. We are here to provide as much support and guidance as necessary! You can find further information about the hosting requirements and expectations in our 2023 hosting guide. We encourage any questions to be sent to our contact email address, postgraduates@aap.org.au. |
Presented by Melissa Merritt on the topic ‘“Everyone has a price at which he sells himself”: Epictetus and Kant on Self-Respect” 8 March 2023 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm AEDT University of Tasmania at the Hedberg 19-27 Campbell Street Hobart, TAS 7000 For those who are unable to attend in person, there is a Zoom option, and the Zoom details are accessible upon registration. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/gwen-nettlefold-memorial-lecture-tickets-536525400917 |
What Good Is Philosophy? – A Benefit Conference for Ukraine 17–19 March 2023 https://munkschool.utoronto.ca/kma-conference The conference will be produced by the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto. It is being sponsored by the AAP. And it will be broadcast on Munk School's YouTube channel (with someAustralian viewing times) on 17-19 March 2023. It can also be streamed here: Keynotes will be delivered by world-renowned author, Margaret Atwood, one of the most celebrated scholars of Ukrainian history, Timothy Snyder, and two of Ukraine’s preeminent public intellectuals, Mychailo Wynnyckyj and Volodymyr Yermolenko. This benefit conference is designed to provide individual academics, members of the public, colleges and universities, professional associations, charitable foundations, and private companies with a way to support students, scholars, and civic institutions in Ukraine. With that said, you can make a one-time tax-deductible donation here: |
Prizes – call for entries Annette Baier Prize - The Australasian Association of Philosophy (AAP) offers an annual prize of $500 for an outstanding philosophical paper or book chapter published by an Australasian woman during the previous calendar year. https://aap.org.au/Annette-Baier-Prize https://aap.org.au/Innovation-in-Inclusive-Curricula-Prize AAP Media Prize - The Australasian Association of Philosophy (AAP) offers an annual prize of $500 for the best philosophical piece(s) published by a professional philosopher in the popular media in Australasia during the previous calendar year. https://aap.org.au/AAP-Media-Prize |
2023 AAP Postgraduate Conference Fund - call for applications The AAP Postgraduate Conference Fund is created to support conferences, workshops, seminars, and other similar events on philosophical topics that are organised by postgraduate members of the Association. Such events can be directed at an audience of philosophers or at a wider public. |
Journals |
Australasian Journal of Philosophy – EOI for Associate Editors The Australasian Journal of Philosophy relies on a team of Associate Editors to assist in handling submissions in specialised subject areas. The Journal is interested in adding new members to our team, and in the interests of transparency, we are making an open call for expressions of interest in serving as an Associate Editor. Details of what we are looking for, the expectations of the role, and how to apply, can be found HERE: Subscribe to content alerts https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rajp20/current Follow on twitter: @AustralJPhilos |
Australasian Philosophical Review – Issues 5.3 & 5.4 + Call for Proposals for Open Peer Commentaries The APR is seeking proposals for open peer commentaries on: Dan Zahavi - "I, You, and We: Beyond Individualism and Collectivism" Curator: Andrew Inkpin Invited commentaries from: Anita Avarmides, Sara Heinämaa, Arto Laitinen, Elisabeth Pacherie Proposal abstracts should be brief (up to 500 words), stating clearly the aspects of the lead article that will be discussed, together with an indication of the line that will be taken. More details are available on the APR website, https://www.aap.org.au/APR The APR is seeking proposals for open peer commentaries on: Danielle Celermajer "The command of responsibility to a burning world" Curator: Dalia Nassar Invited Commentaries from: Lori Gruen, Kyle Whyte, Jeremy Bendik-Keymer, Emily Beausoleil, Krushil Watene, Anik Waldow Proposal abstracts should be brief (up to 500 words), stating clearly the aspects of the lead article that will be discussed, together with an indication of the line that will be taken. More details are available on the APR website, https://www.aap.org.au/APR Undergraduate Philosophy Journal of Australasia – Issue IV Current issue: Volume IV Winner of Best Paper and Best Paper (Member of an Underrepresented Group in Philosophy) Volume IV: Brigitte Assi, Australian National University for the paper, ‘Thinking About Sex: Pornography and the Intuitive Mind’ More information HERE: https://upja.online/volumes/volume-iv-2 Follow on twitter: @UPJA_Philosophy |
Postgraduates – Sagacity Sagacity, an AAP postgraduate run magazine was launched in early December 2022. Sagacity is a place for topical, public philosophy, and platform for postgraduates to write and engage with important issues. |
The Undergraduate Committee of the AAP have created a survey with the intention of probing the level of engagement that undergraduates in the Australasia region might wish to have with the AAP. To help forge new experiences within the Australasian philosophical community, this survey intends to gather information so that we can create initiatives that best serve Australasian undergraduates’ interests. Please share with your undergraduate cohort. The survey can be accessed HERE: https://forms.gle/S7rejr3yJehPRgNJ6. |
The Honourable Pamela Tate KC AM FAHA – Australia Day Honours The AAP Patron, The Honourable Pamela Tate KC AM FAHA, was recognised as a Member in the General Division of the Order of Australia for her significant service to the judiciary, to the law and to legal education. |
Program Events – upcoming Dianoia Annual Seminar in Language & Logic: Angelika Kratzer 2 March 9:00-11:00 (Melbourne) over Zoom. To receive the Zoom link for the seminar, please register at The Diotima Prize: New One-Act Play Competition ($5,000 x 3) on the Intersection of Philosophy, Drama, and the Female Voice Workshop: 25 March 2023 Registration deadline: 4 March 2023 http://www.thediotimaprize.com Formal Epistemology Conference 25-27 May National University of Singapore http://isaacwilhelm.com/es/conferences/fe.htm Philosophy of Biology Meeting, Centre for Philosophy of the Sciences - CFA 21-23 June Australian National University Abstracts due: 15 March 2023 Space, Time, and Location Conference 10-14 July, Tarndanya / Adelaide https://philevents.org/event/show/101966 Registration deadline: 9 June 2023 IAPT 2023 – CFA July 27-30, University of Sydney We invite abstract submissions for the annual conference of The International Association for the Philosophy of Time. The conference will be held at the University of Sydney, Australia from July 27 to July 30, 2023. For up to 5 early career researchers with successful abstracts (including PhD students, and anyone who is at most 5 years out from their PhD) 2000 AUD of funding each is available to defray the costs of attending the conference. Abstracts should be 500 words long and prepared for blind review. Please send your title and abstract as a PDF document to iapt8sydney@gmail.com by the 1st April 2023, 11:59pm AEDT (with your name, affiliation and the title of the paper in the body of the email and ‘Abstract Submission’ in the subject line). We expect successful applicants to be notified by 15th April. Philosophy and Literature: T. S. Eliot and Religion conference – call for proposals 28 October, Gabriel Marcel Institute of Philosophy, Sydney https://www.rockhurst.edu/gabriel-marcel-society/October-2023-Conference Proposals due: 6 April 2023. 47th Annual Conference of The International Merleau-ponty Circle - CFP 4-6 November, Deakin University https://www.merleauponty.org/conference/ CFP due: 15 May 2023 Australasian Logic Colloquium (ALC) 2023 - CFP 6-7 November, Brisbane, University of Queensland https://sites.google.com/view/australasianlogcolloquium2023/home CFP due: 1 August 2023 Australasian Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy 2023 - CFA We hope to include both individual presentations and panels of 2-4 speakers on figures and themes in seventeenth and eighteenth century philosophy. |