Membership Membership is open to professional philosophers, as well as to all interested persons. Membership of the Australasian Association of Philosophy is available only to individuals, whose subscription monies go entirely to the Association and are applied to its purposes. Members are either Ordinary or Associate Members. Ordinary members are those members, including research students, who are or have been active in Australasian philosophy at tertiary (postgraduate research) level or above. Ordinary members have voting rights at AGMs and are eligible to stand as a member of the AAP Board. Concession rates are available in two tiers: Concession 1 is available to postgraduate students, retirees and and those in the Asia/Pacific region earning less than 35,000AUD p.a. Concession 2 is open to undergraduate students and those in the Asia/Pacific region earning less than 15,000AUD p.a. Membership is for one year from join date.
Annual rates
Benefits of joining the AAP include
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