Australasian Philosophical Review is a new and exciting journal in Open Peer Commentary format. It publishes significant and controversial invited lead articles by authors from all areas of philosophy, together with invited and open peer commentaries on those invited lead articles, and authors' responses to those commentaries.
Each issue has a different curator, (chosen by a committee of the Australasian Association of Philosophy); the curator is responsible for the choice of the authors of the invited lead article and the invited commentaries.
Managing Editor: Justine Kingsbury
Associate Editor: Eliza Goddard
APR Editorial Committee:
Justine Kingsbury - Convenor (Waikato University), Simon Lumsden (University of New South Wales), Amber Carpenter (National University of Singapore - Yale)
Taylor and Francis Publishers Print ISSN: 2474-0500 Online ISSN: 2474-0519
General enquiries:
Copyediting enquiries:
Register as an APR Commentator here.
Call for Proposals for Open Peer Commentaries: Australasian Philosophical Review
Lead Author: Elizabeth Anderson
Theme: Local Knowledge in Institutional Epistemology
Lead article: "Local Knowledge in Institutional Epistemology"
Curator: Jean-Philippe Deranty
Panel: Katrina Hutchison, Danielle Petherbridge, Jean-Philippe Deranty
Invited commentaries from:
Linda Alcoff, Sally Haslanger, Paul Oghenovo Irikefe, Emmanuel Renault, Krushil Watene
Proposal abstracts should be brief (up to 500 words), stating clearly the aspects of the lead article that will be discussed, together with an indication of the approach that will be taken.
For access to the lead article and instructions on making a submission, see HERE
Abstract submissions are due on 31 March 2025. Invitations to write commentaries of 2000-3000 words will be issued on 15 April 2025. Full-length commentaries will be due on 31 July 2025.
Call for Proposals for Open Peer Commentaries: Australasian Philosophical Review
Lead Author: Jenann Ismael
Theme: Philosophy of Physics
Lead article: "The Open Universe: Totality, Self-reference and Time"
Curator: Heather Dyke
Panel: Raamy Majeed, Cei Maslen
Invited commentaries from:
Christoph Hoerl, Kristie Miller and David Braddon-Mitchell, Huw Price, Carlo Rovelli
Proposal abstracts should be brief (up to 500 words), stating clearly the aspects of the lead article that will be discussed, together with an indication of the approach that will be taken.
For access to the lead article and instructions on making a submission, see here:
Abstract submissions are due on 23 June 2023. Invitations to write commentaries of 2000-3000 words will be issued on 10 July 2023. Full-length commentaries will be due on 15 September 2023.
Call for Proposals for Open Peer Commentaries: Australasian Philosophical Review
Lead Author: Gila Sher
Theme: The nature and value of truth
Lead Article: “The “Post-Truth” Crisis, the Value of Truth, and the Substantivist-Deflationist Debate”
Curator: Joseph Ulatowski
Panel: Aaron Griffith, Shawn Hernandez, David Kashtan, and Cory Wright
Invited commentaries from: Filippo Ferrari, Gurpreet Rattan, Chase Wrenn
Call for Proposals for Open Peer Commentaries: Australasian Philosophical Review
Lead Author: Tzu-Wei Hung
Theme: History of Philosophy
Lead Article: "Equity and Marxist Buddhism"
Curator: Duen-Min Deng
Invited commentaries from: Cheung Ching-yuen, Sally Haslanger, Ting-An Lin, Sara Protasi
Call for Proposals for Open Peer Commentaries: Australasian Philosophical Review
Lead Author: Danielle Celermajer
Theme: Responsibility to the more-than-human-world
Lead Article: "The command of responsibility to a burning world"
Curator: Dalia Nassar
Panel: Dalia Nassar (lead), Millicent Churcher, Yarran Hominh
Invited commentaries from: Lori Gruen, Kyle Whyte, Jeremy Bendik-Keymer, Emily Beausoleil, Krushil Watene, Anik Waldow
Call for Proposals for Open Peer Commentaries: Australasian Philosophical Review
Lead Author: Dan Zahavi
Theme: Phenomenology and Collective Intentionality
Lead Article: "I, You, and We: Beyond Individualism and Collectivism"
Curator: Andrew Inkpin
Panel: Andrew Inkpin, Marilyn Stendera
Invited commentaries from: Anita Avarmides, Sara Heinämaa, Arto Laitinen, Elisabeth Pacherie
Call for Proposals for Open Peer Commentaries: Australasian Philosophical Review
Lead Author: Susan James
Theme: Early Modern Philosophy
Lead Article: "Spinoza and the Poetic Imagination"
Curator: Deborah Brown
Panel: Deborah Brown. Aurelia Armstrong and Michael LeBuffe
Invited commentaries from: Sandra Field, Moira Gatens, Russ Leo, Hasana Sharp
Call for Proposals for Open Peer Commentaries: Australasian Philosophical Review
Lead Authors: Joshua R. Christie, Carl Brusse, Pierrick Bourrat, Peter Takacs and Paul E. Griffiths
Theme: Philosophy of Biology
Lead article: "Are biological traits explained by their 'selected effect' function?"
Curator: John Matthewson
Panel: John Matthewson and Christopher Lean
Invited commentaries from: Justin Garson, Justine Kingsbury, Ruth Garrett Millikan, Samir Okasha, Nicholas Shea
Lead Author: Yong Huang
Theme: Chinese Philosophy
Lead article: "Zhu Xi's Virtue Ethics Approach to Meta-Ethics"
Curator: Winnie Sung - Nanyang Technical University
Panel: K. Gustin Law and Yat-hung Leung
Invited commentaries from:
Matthew D. Walker, JeeLoo Liu, Bradfort Cokelet, David Copp
Lead Author: Tim Crane
Theme: Ontology and Intentionality
Lead article: "On the Explanation of Intentionality"
Curator: Raamy Majeed - University of Auckland
Invited commentaries from:
Davide Bordini, Laura Gow, Frederique Janssen-Lauret, Justine KingsburyNOW CLOSED
Lead Author: Dimitris Vardoulakis
Theme: Heidegger, Aristotle and the ‘Ineffectual’
Lead article: "Toward a Critique of the Ineffectual: Heidegger’s Reading of Aristotle and the Construction of an Action without Ends"
Curator: Andrew Benjamin
Invited commentaries from: Charlotta Weigelt, Adriel M. Trott, Richard Lee, Ian Alexander Moore
Lead Author: Joel Katzav
Theme: History of Philosophy
Lead Article: "Grace de Laguna’s analytic and speculative philosophy"
Curators: Krist Vaesen and Dorothy Rogers
Invited commentaries from:
Anthony Fisher, Frederique Janssen-Lauret, Marguerite La Caze, Brigitte Nerlich, Peter Olen, Trevor Pearce
Lead Authors: Nicole A Vincent & Emma A Jane
Theme: Moral psychology
Lead Article:
"Interrogating Incongruence: Conceptual and Normative Problems with ICD-11's and DSM-5's Diagnostic Categories for Transgender People"
Curator: Jeanette Kennett Macquarie University
Invited commentaries from:
Sophie Grace Chappell, Terezas Hendl & Loren Britton, Hilde Lindemann, Robert A. Wilson
Lead Author: Shun Kwong-loi
Theme: Moral psychology - insights from Chinese Philosophy
Lead Article: Anger, Compassion, and the Distinction between First and Third Person
Curator: Loy Hui-chieh (National University of Singapore)
Invited commentaries from: Michael Slote, Chan Sin-yee, R. Jay Wallace, David Wong
Panel: Winnie Sung (Nanyang Technological University) & Doil Kim (Sungkyunkwan University).
Lead Author: Craig Callender
Theme: Decision Theory
Lead Article: The Normative Standard for Future Discounting
Curator: Samuel Baron
Invited commentaries from: Preston Greene, Kristie Miller, Katie Steele, Till Grüne-Yanoff
Panel: Samuel Baron, Remco Heesen
Lead Author: Katherine Dormandy
Theme: Philosophy of Religion
Lead Article:
True Faith: Against Doxastic Partiality about Faith (in God and Religious Communities)
and in Defense of Evidentialism
Curator: Helen De Cruz
Invited commentaries from: Eva Schmidt, Samuel Lebens, Blake McAllister
Panel: Alexandra Romanyshyn, Ian Kidd
Lead Author: Mary Kate McGowan
Theme: Political Philosophy
Lead Article: “Just Words: On Speech and Hidden Harm: An Overview and an Application”
Curator: Sarah Sorial
Invited commentaries from: Robert Mark Simpson, Caroline West, Ishani Maitra, Jeremy Waldron
Lead Author: Genevieve Lloyd
Theme: Spinoza Today
Lead Article: Reconsidering Spinoza’s ‘Rationalism’
Curator: Joanne Faulkner
Invited commentaries from: Moira Gatens, Sandra Field
Panel: Joanne Faulkner, Renee England, Bryan Mukandi, Yves Saint James Aquino
Lead Author: Glen Pettigrove
Theme: Ethics
Lead Article: What Virtue Adds to Value
Curator: Matheson Russell
Invited commentaries from: Andrew Pinsent, Rebecca Stangl
Lead Author: Avner de Shalit
Theme: Political Philosophy
Lead Article: Political Philosophy and What People Think
Curator: Elisabeth Ellis
Invited commentaries from: Bas van der Vossen, Jo Wolff, Colleen Murphy
Lead Author: John Broome
Theme: Reasons and Rationality
Lead Article: "Rationality versus Normativity"
Curator: Garrett Cullity
Invited commentaries from: Nomy Arpaly, Krister Bykvist, Benjamin Kiesewetter, Julia Markovits, Hille Paakkunainen.
Editorial Board
Andrew Benjamin (Monash), Jacqueline Broad (Monash), Stephen Davies (Auckland),
Penelope Deutscher (Northwestern), Lisa Ellis (Otago), John Finnis (Oxford), Jay Garfield (Smith),
Moira Gatens (Sydney), Fiona Jenkins (ANU), Mark Johnston (Princeton), Karen Jones (Melbourne),
Marguerite La Caze (Queensland), Karyn Lai (UNSW), Chenyang Li (NTU), Cathay Liu (Yale/NUS),
Jeff Malpas (Tasmania), Alex Miller (Otago), Kristie Miller (Sydney), Paul Patton (UNSW), Laurie Paul (Chapel Hill),
Michael Pelczar (NUS), Philip Pettit (Princeton), Emma Rush (CSU), Peter Singer (Princeton),
Christine Swanton (Auckland), Brian Weatherson (Michigan), Caroline West (Sydney)
APR Advisory Committee
Justine Kingsbury (Waikato University), Nichola Smith (Macquarie University),
Amber Carpenter (National University of Singapore - Yale)
Taylor and Francis Journal Publishers
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