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Registrations are available at AAP Member and Non Member rates. 

This year's conference will offer a hybrid component. For those attending remotely this will include streaming of the Plenary sessions (Presidential Address and 6 keynotes), plus contributed paper sessions Monday-Thursday in 2 of the parallel sessions. These contributed paper sessions will include a mix of live streamed presentations by remote and in person attendees.

This year's conference offers a 2 day program for teachers of philosophy in schools on Sunday 6 - Monday 7 July including the Undergraduate Winter School and Presidential Address on Sunday and the 'Philosophy in the Diaspora' contributed papers stream on Monday.

Undergraduates attending the weekly conference, in addition to the Undergraduate Winter School, should register for both the conference and winter school.

In person attendance - Register HERE

Remote participation - Register HERE

School Teachers - Register HERE

Undergraduate Winter School - Register HERE



Early bird rate is available until and including Friday 13 June. 


Early Bird  




 Member Concession 1



 Member Concession 2






 Non-Member Concession 1 



 Non-Member Concession 2




 Member Full



 Member Concession 1

 $ 81

 $ 99

 Member Concession 2

 $ 54

 $ 64

 Non-Member Full



 Non-Member Concession 1 



 Non-Member Concession 2

 $ 76

 $ 86


 Member Full



 Member Concession 1



 Member Concession 2



 Non-Member Full



 Non-Member Concession 1 



 Non-Member Concession 2




Early Bird  




 Member Concession 1

 $ 30

 $ 55

 Member Concession 2      

 $ 20

 $ 25


 $260 $285

 Non-Member Concession 1 

 $ 95 $120

 Non-Member Concession 2

 $ 42 $ 47

*Concession 1 Rate:

Open to Masters and PhD Students, retirees and those in the Asia/Pacific region earning less than 35K AUD.

**Concession 2 Rate:

Open to undergraduate students and those in the Asia/Pacific region earning less than 15K AUD.

*** All non-member rates include AAP membership fee

More information about AAP membership

All rates are in Australian Dollars & inclusive of 10% GST


Cancellations, Refunds & Payment Rules:

1. Any delegate with an outstanding fee balance on June 20 will have their abstract removed from the program.

2. All registrations made on or after June 27 must be paid in full at time of registration, unless prior arrangement made.

3. Cancellations up to and including June 27 will be entitled to a full refund of the conference fee minus membership fee.

4. Cancellations from June 28 up to and including July 4 are entitled to a 50% refund conference fee minus membership fee.

5. Cancellations on or after July 5 will not receive any refund.

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