Expression of Interest – AAP Executive Committee Positions
The AAP Executive Committee's role is to manage and administer the day-to-day operations of the AAP, by facilitating the work of the Operating Committees to ensure the AAP achieves its objects as outlined in the Constitution. The Executive determines matters, or makes recommendations to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and to the Board, regarding the direction and operations of the AAP. Individually and as a committee, they lead, direct, coordinate and control the operations and performance and manage the Association in accordance with the policies, strategy and plans approved by the Board.
All members of the Executive are expected to attend monthly meetings (9-10 per year, held via Zoom), with other tasks allocated that are aligned to the position description. The time commitment will vary each month and depending on the role held by an individual. On average, it is anticipated a time commitment of 1-2 hours per week would be necessary.
For more information, see key governance documents here, including the Executive Charter.
Expressions of Interest are now open for two Executive Committee positions –
Regional Director Australia and Ordinary Member – listed below.
Regional Director – Australia
One of the three Regional Director positions is currently vacant on the AAP Executive Committee, for Australia.
Responsibilities include:
Ordinary Member – Executive Liaison - AAP Postgraduate & Undergraduate Committees
One of three Ordinary Member positions is currently vacant on the AAP Executive committee with liaison responsibility for the AAP’s Postgraduate and Undergraduate Committees.
Responsibilities include:
Terms of Reference for the AAP Postgraduate and Undergraduate Committee.
©Australasian Association of Philosophy
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