Sunday 2 July 6pm - 7.30pm
After the Presidential Address, there will be a reception for all attendees.
Daniel Mannix building, building 403, just outside the Philippa Brazill Lecture Theatre
Monday 3 July from 6.30pm
The Status of Women in the Philosophy Profession committee encourages all women-identified philosophers to gather over informal drinks following conference proceedings.
Workers Club, 51 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy
Status of Women in the Philosophy Profession
Centenary Exhibition Launch
Tuesday 4 July 6:30pm
Celebrating 100 Years of the AAP 1923 - 2023
ACU, Mary Glowrey Building, 115 Victoria Parade, Fitzroy
Thursday 6 July 7:30pm - 10pm
The conference dinner is the concluding event for AAP 2023
ACU, Cathedral Hall, building 405
Brunswick Street entrance