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AAP Postgraduate members enrolled in a philosophy HDR program in an Australasian University who have registered for the conference and are presenting a paper are eligible to enter the Postgraduate Presentation Prize, apply for a Travel Subsidy and participate in the Postgraduate Mentoring Scheme.


The AAP awards a monetary prize for the best paper presented by a postgraduate at the conference. The Prize is offered to encourage postgraduates to present at the Conference, and to recognise the philosophical contributions from excellent Australasian postgraduate students.

Applicants must submit a full paper, prepared for blind review, of between 3000-5000 words, including references.

More information available HERE

Deadline: 9 May 2025, 8pm AEST


The AAP makes available a total fund of $5000 AUD for AAP Postgraduate members presenting a paper at the conference to support travel and accommodation costs. Subsidies are available to Postgraduate research students (Masters by Research and PhD) enrolled in philosophy at at an Australasian University based in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore.

Apply for travel subsidies HERE

Deadline: 16 May 2025, 8pm AEST


In 2025, the AAP is again hosting a postgraduate mentoring scheme during the conference. The scheme will put interested parties in touch, to allow postgraduates to talk about their work with leading researchers in their field.

If you would like to apply to be a part of the Scheme, check the box on abstract submission.

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