Affiliated Organisations
The AAP would be pleased to answer any questions from prospective affiliated organisations, and is happy to supply the AAP’s policy on request. Please direct queries or requests for affiliation to the Executive Officer of the AAP, via email admin@aap.org.au.
The AAP is a charitable organisation which engages in and supports activities which promote philosophy and the exchange of philosophical ideas in Australasia. We are pleased to announce a new program whereby other societies and organisations with similar or aligned aims can affiliate with the AAP, to help us work together to achieve our goals. Affiliated organisations remain independent of the AAP and not subject to its governance.
Organisations may benefit from affiliation with the AAP in several ways:
Affiliated organisations will have a presence on the AAP’s Affiliated Societies Committee (‘ASC’). The committee allows affiliated organisations to exchange views with the AAP and each other, to discuss pressing issues for the sector, and to get ideas and suggestions about operational and other matters from peer organisations.
Affiliated organisations, through the ASC, can have an influence on activities of the AAP, and amplify their voice on matters of concern to their organisation. The AAP may, for example, coordinate joint responses to issues of current importance.
Affiliated organisations have the opportunity to arrange a meeting or session at the annual AAP conference. The AAP will provide space and a dedicated time slot during the main AAP conference program for such meetings to be held.
Affiliated organisations will be listed on the AAP’s webpages, and will have the opportunity to communicate to the AAP’s membership in other ways. This may increase the profile of the affiliated organisation and its distinctive objectives.
Affiliate organisations will liaise with the AAP through a nominated representative, who should be an ordinary member of the AAP in good standing.
To affiliate with the AAP, an organisation should supply the following:
The name of the organisation;
Description of the organisation’s aims and activities, including the organisation’s constitution or mission statement if applicable;
The name and contact details of a nominated representative of the organisation;
A declaration that the organisation agrees to comply with all applicable AAP policies and procedures in matters pertaining to the AAP.