2022 Simone Weil Lecture on Human Value: Brisbane

  • 10 Nov 2022
  • ABC Brisbane Centre

The School of Philosophy at Australian Catholic University, in collaboration with ABC Radio National, presents:

2022 Simone Weil Lecture on Human Value

Delivered by Scott Stephens

'We Do Not Breathe Well': Tending the Moral Conditions of our Common Life

The annual Simone Weil lecture is hosted by the ACU School of Philosophy.The lecture is inspired by Simone Weil's ethical vision that is rooted in attentive compassion and obligation to others, her unstinting desire for the Good, and her non-negotiable commitment to justice.

Lecture is free and open to the public.

For more information and to register, see: https://www.acu.edu.au/about-acu/faculties-directorates-and-staff/faculty-of-theology-and-philosophy/school-of-philosophy/simone-weil-lecture

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