Advance notice: 2013 New Zealand Philosophy Conference

21 Feb 2013 8:05 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
2013 New Zealand Philosophy Conference
(hitherto 'AAP NZ Division Conference')
8-12 December, The University of Auckland

This is an early notice that this year's New Zealand Philosophy Conference
will be held at The University of Auckland (New Zealand) from the evening
of Sunday 8th December to the afternoon of Thursday 12th December 2013.

Due to legal/structural changes of the AAP, a number of formal details of
the conference are yet to be finalised (including its title). Details of
the event will be posted on our departmental website in late July, once the
2013 AAP Conference hosted by The University of Queensland and Bond
University has ended. We will also send a call for papers at that time.

In the meantime, if you would like further details on arrangements, please
feel free to contact the organisers at the following addresses:

Denis Robinson:
Marco Grix:

Department of Philosophy
University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1142
New Zealand

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