The AAP awards a monetary prize for the best paper presented by a postgraduate student. This prize is offered to encourage postgraduates to present at the AAP Conference, and to recognise the philosophical contributions from excellent Australasian postgraduate students.
The deadline for submission is Friday April 22.
To be eligible, applicants must be members of the AAP in good standing and enrolled in an Australasian Higher Degree Research (HDR) Philosophy program, pursuing either a PhD or a Masters by Research. Applicants cannot submit more than one paper in any given year, and all papers must conform to the word limit and be properly prepared for blind review. Previously published papers are not eligible.
To enter:
1. Register for the conference (you need not pay at registration) and submit an abstract for the paper (which you are intending to submit for the prize)
2. Submit a full paper of 3000-5000 words, by email, to the AAP's Executive Officer. Please submit papers as pdf attachments, prepared for blind review. The body of email should including details confirming your status as an HDR student in an Australasian philosophy program and that you wish to be considered for the prize.
After the deadline, a judging panel will review all submissions and make a short-list of entries. Short-listed applicants will have their conference fees returned and will be invited to attend the conference dinner free of charge. Short-listed applicants will be notified by Monday May 23
Members of the judging panel will attend the presentations by the short-listed applicants. The winner will be chosen based on both the quality of the submitted paper and the quality of the conference presentation.
The winning paper will be announced at the conference dinner and receive a prize of $500, and the option of having their winning paper published online on the AAP website.
For more information and to see last year's winner and short-list