2014 Australasian Postgraduate Philosophy Conference

  • 22 Apr 2014
  • 24 Apr 2014
  • University of Sydney
The 2014 Australasian Postgraduate Philosophy Conference will be held at Sydney University
on the 22nd to the 24th of April. Registration for this year's APPC is now open.

Registration is free. All attendees (presenting and non-presenting) must register in advance through the online form provided on the conference website:

Limited funding is available to assist presenters travelling from Singapore, New Zealand, and Australian states and territories other than New South Wales.

Keynote Speakers:

Professor Raimond Gaita
Dr. Catherine Legg


Professor Stephen Hetherington, the editor of the Australasian Journal of Philosophy, will run a workshop on publishing.

To share all this information and more here is the conference flyer:https://www.dropbox.com/sh/x683mobfg7nrd27/xp05PxKuCr

If you have any questions or concerns, email the conference organisers: appc2014@gmail.com

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