Australasian Journal of Philosophy

Journal of the Australasian Association of Philosophy (AAP).

The AJP is owned and sponsored by the Association and published by Taylor & Francis under their Routledge imprint.

ISSN: 0004-8402 (paper)
1471-6828 (electronic)     
Publication Frequency: 4 issues per year

The Australasian Journal of Philosophy (AJP) is one of the world's leading philosophy journals. It is recognised as publishing some of the very best work in the analytic tradition, but is not narrow in what it regards as worthy of acceptance. Heavily cited in the general philosophical literature, it is covered by the major abstracting and indexing services. (Here is a full list.) In 2007 it was rated 'A' (the highest category) in the European Reference Index in the Humanities (ERIH), a European Science Foundation project which aims to help impartially assess the quality of Humanities research output. In 2010 it was rated 'A*' (the highest category) in the Australian Research Council's 'Excellence in Research for Australia' (ERA) journal ranking list. It is  available in full-text in several thousand academic and research libraries world-wide, including developing nations, through online arrangements with Taylor & Francis. Also available online, to all subscribers, is the full digital archive, from 1923 to the present.

Submissions are received from across the globe and now exceed 750 per year. The Journal currently publishes around 50–60 articles and discussion notes in each annual volume. We also publish book reviews, with a particular focus on authors connected with Australasian philosophy

The Editor bases their decisions on the recommendations of a team of extremely active and helpful Associate Editors, supported by the advice of a world-wide network of referees. The editorial team is supported by an internationally distinguished Editorial Board The AJP has a reputation for supplying, on average, timely decisions on submissions, with helpful comments from referees.

The Editor is elected to the position by a vote of the Australasian Association of Philosophy, to which they report annually. Governance and oversight of the Journal's operations is provided by the Association through its Journals Committe.

AJP History

Founded in 1923, the AJP has appeared without a break ever since, moving from tri-annual to quarterly issues in 1979. It remains a quarterly, and celebrated its 100th volume in 2022. It was originally produced directly by the Australasian Association of Philosophy (which remains its owner and sponsoring organisation). Responsibility for publication was transferred by the Association to Oxford University Press in 1998, and transferred again in 2005 to Taylor & Francis.

The following articles, by former editors of the Journal, provide historical information about the journal over the 100 years since its foundation.

  • Candlish, Stewart (2022) ‘The First Hundred Years of (the) Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Australasian Journal of Philosophy 100: 3–24. doi:10.1080/00048402.2020.1871385.
  • Young, Robert (2014) ‘Australasian Journal of Philosophy’, in Graham Oppy and Nick Trakakis, eds., A Companion to Philosophy in Australia and New Zealand, 2nd ed: 60–64. Monash University Publishing. doi:10.26180/5f3c6d4fa4ea5

Editors of the AJP

  • Antony Eagle (Adelaide), 2022–
  • Stephen Hetherington (UNSW), 2014–22
  • Stewart Candlish (UWA), 2008–13
  • Maurice Goldsmith (VUW), 2002–07
  • Fred D’Agostino (UNE), Peter Forrest (UNE), and Gerry Gaus (QUT), 1998–2001
  • Robert Young (La Trobe), 1990–97
  • Brian Ellis (La Trobe), 1978–89
  • Robert Brown (ANU), 1973–77
  • Graham Nerlich (Sydney), 1968–72
  • Alan Stout (Sydney), 1950–67
  • John Passmore (Sydney), 1947–49
  • John Anderson (Sydney), 1935–46
  • Tasman Lovell (Sydney), 1927–34
  • Francis Anderson (Sydney), 1923–26

Table of Contents Alerts

You can arrange to receive Table of Contents alerts via email or rss feed, download lists of issues, and read abstracts. This service is provided free of charge by our publisher, Taylor & Francis, at the journal homepage. You can find an RSS feed for new publications here

Our Mastodon account also posts automated new article alerts—as well as occasional posts by the Editor commenting on issues connected with the Journal—at

Subscription information

Individual subscription to the Journal is by way of joining the Australasian Association of Philosophy.  By courtesy of Taylor & Francis, the benefits of membership include free supply of the Australasian Journal of Philosophy available both in hard copy and an online-only version, as well as access to the full digital archive, from 1923 to the present. Details about AAP membership can be found at

Institutional and corporate subscription information can be found on the journal's Taylor & Francis site