Australasian Journal of Philosophy


Do not use any of these contact addresses for submitting papers for publication. 

For instructions on submitting a paper, go to our Authors' Instructions: Submissions Page.


EditorAntony Eagle

Book Reviews EditorsYuri Cath and Emily Hulme

Editorial Assistant: Jessica Pohlmann

To contact the Editorial Team concerning Unsolicited Contributions (e.g. Articles), as well as about administrative or production matters, please write in the first instance to the Editorial Assistant, then the Editor. Correspondence concerning Solicited Contributions (e.g. Book Reviews) should be directed to the Book Reviews Editors. Authors should not contact Associate Editors or Editorial Board Members directly with inquiries about their submissions; they will be unable to assist.

AAP Journals Committee: Governance and oversight of the operations of the Journal, including the appointment and supervision of the Editor, is the responsibility of the Journals Committee of the Australasian Association of Philosophy. This committee meets quarterly; it can be reached by contacting the AAP Secretariat.


All items sent through the mail should be addressed to the appropriate recipient(s), BY TITLE NOT BY NAME, at

Australasian Journal of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy
Kaurna Yarta
The University of Adelaide
SA 5005