Status of Women in the Philosophy Profession

Makes recommendations on how best to promote the status of women, and devises and carries out projects that support women, in professional Philosophy in Australasia.

The Committee stands for inclusivity and women’s equality within academic Philosophy at all levels, with full acknowledgement that women’s challenges in this profession intersect with and are the product of broader socio-political factors. Issues pertaining to sex and gender equity are deep and difficult. As such, as philosophers we advocate for intellectual humility and open dialogue in good faith. The Committee is fundamentally committed to advancing both equity and respect for diversity in Australasian philosophy, so that Philosophy's many benefits may be made as widely available as possible across Australasia. 

Louise Richardson-Self - Convenor

University of Tasmania


Gopika Gurudas

UQ/Delhi Postgraduate member


Suzy Killmister

Monash University


Justine Kingsbury

Waikato University


Moonyoung Song

National University of Singapore

Glenda Satne

University of Wollongong


Anne Schwenkenbecher

Murdoch University


Cei Maslen

Victoria University of Wellington

Women in Philosophy Projects

Improving the Participation of Women in the Philosophy Profession

Gender Statements

National Library of Australia – archive of women in philosophy material

The Status for Women in the Philosophy Profession (SWiPP) Committee of the AAP offered their historical records of women's struggle for inclusion in the philosophy profession to the National Library of Australia for archiving. The collection of documents consists of reports from SWiPP regarding the extreme difficulties women in the industry face, correspondence regarding the implementation of active measures to include and champion both women doing philosophy and feminist philosophy as a sub-discipline, as well as conference pamphlets dating back to 1982. 


Women's Works

Society for Women in Philosophy, UK

American Philosophical Association Committee for the Status of Women

What it's Like to be a Woman in Philosophy - Blog

Feminist Philosophers - Blog Archive

Women in Philosophy - Wikipedia

Women in Philosophy: What Needs to Change? - Book, published by OUP, ed. Katrina Hutchison and Fiona Jenkins


If you have ideas for further initiatives our Committee might spearhead, or would like to help us with our work, please feel free to get in touch!