Research Fellow In Bioethics and Health Law

  • 06 Jun 2013
  • 19 Jun 2013
  • University of Otago
Research Fellow in Bioethics and Health Law-1300946

The Bioethics Centre and the Faculty of Law are seeking a Research Fellow to build on the excellent links that already exist between these units.

The Research Fellow will undertake high quality research on topics relevant to the Bioethics Centre and Faculty of Law, generate research income and facilitate grant applications.  The successful applicant will take an active role in the intellectual activities across the departments, have demonstrated the ability to conduct high quality research within bioethics or health law and will work constructively and respectfully with others.

A postgraduate qualification in law, bioethics or another cognate discipline is essential.

The start date for this position will ideally be 1 July 2013.

Specific enquiries may be directed to Professor John McMillan<>
Applications quoting reference number will close on Wednesday 19, June 2013.