Knowledge and Virtue in Ancient Philosophy

  • 17 May 2023
  • 18 May 2023
  • The University of Notre Dame Australia, Broadway, Sydney

Conference on Knowledge and Virtue in Ancient Philosophy, University of Notre Dame Australia (Sydney)

The Institute for Ethics & Society is delighted to host Knowledge and Virtue in Ancient Philosophy, a two-day conference on new work on ethics and epistemology from across Ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, at the University of Notre Dame Australia (Sydney).

Speakers: Emily Hulme (USyd), Joshua Mendelsohn (Loyola Chicago), David Bronstein (UNDA), Angus Brook (UNDA), Marko Malink (NYU), Tyler Paytas (ACU), Melissa Merritt (UNSW), Jacob Klein (Colgate)

Cost: Free

RSVP: To register to attend in-person or online, please contact David Bronstein ( by 5 May.

This event is supported by the ARC Future Fellowship ‘Virtue with Aristotle: Recovering an Ancient Ethical Theory for Our Time’ held by David Bronstein, Associate Professor and Research Fellow in the Institute for Ethics & Society at the University of Notre Dame Australia.