Interdisciplinary Early Modern Thought Colloquium and Postgraduate Workshop

  • 27 Aug 2012
  • 30 Aug 2012
  • University of Otago
University of Otago

Colloquium: Practical Knowledges and Skill in Early Modern England
27-28 August 2012
Postgraduate Workshop: Interdisciplinarity in Medieval and Early Modern Research
29-30 August 2012

The University of Otago’s Early Modern Thought Research Theme will beholding a two-day colloquium on “Practical Knowledges and Skill in Early Modern England.” The first day will be devoted to natural
philosophy, science, and religion, and the second day to theatre and performance.  Speaking at the colloquium will be Peter Marshall (Warwick), Peter Harrison (Queensland), Sorana Corneanu (Bucharest),
Paul Menzer (Mary Baldwin College), John Sutton (Macquarie), Michael Neill (Auckland), David Carnegie (Victoria), and Lyn Tribble (Otago).

Postgraduate Workshop
Most research in medieval and early modern studies involves interdisciplinary work. Whether it be historians working with philosophers, scholars of literature working with classicists or some other combination, research in these fields often requires one to collaborate with and learn skills from scholars in cognate disciplines. This workshop will bring together leading scholars with extensive skills in interdisciplinary research in order to share their skills and experience with postgraduate students and early career researchers.

The Early Modern Thought Research Theme will be running the workshop in conjunction with ANZAMEMS.  Bursaries are available for
postgraduates and for early career researchers.  Facilitating the workshop will be Peter Marshall (Warwick), Peter Harrison (Queensland), Stephen Clucas (Birkbeck College), and John Sutton

For further information about EMTRT, please visit our blog ( or our website
You can email inquiries to Michael Cop ( or Peter Anstey ( application forms for the workshop, please visit the ANAMEMS site: