Professor in Philosophy

  • 20 Nov 2011
  • 12 Dec 2011
  • University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Professor in Philosophy
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

The University of Queensland (UQ) is seeking to make a senior appointment (Professor, Level E) in Logic, Metaphysics and/or Analytic Ethics. UQ is one of Australia's premier learning and research institutions. It is the oldest university in Queensland and has produced almost 197,000 graduates, since opening in 1911. Its graduates have become leaders in all areas of society and industry.

The School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics (HPRC) <>  was established in 2001 within the Faculty of Arts and its strong reputation is built on excellence in both research and teaching. The School's dynamic team of 36 academic staff are widely published internationally and have extensive research backgrounds. They are committed to academic leadership that advances knowledge about ideas and institutions that continue to shape contemporary life.

Philosophy at the University of Queensland has a long tradition of excellence in philosophical teaching and research. The group's interests encompass the core areas of philosophical research: logic and philosophy of science, metaphysics and epistemology, moral and political philosophy, European philosophy, and the history of philosophy. The philosophers at UQ have played a leading role in collaborative teaching and research between the Humanities and other disciplines, particularly the Sciences.

The School wishes to appoint a Professor who will provide a future vision that will give teaching and research programs in Philosophy at The University of Queensland an outstanding profile within Australian higher education.  They will implement this vision by offering academic, research, teaching and organisational leadership that will expand research output, increase external funding support, build postgraduate culture, and broaden the undergraduate teaching base.
For more details on the role, including the position description and selection criteria, visit and search for job no. 492626.