Harvard-Australia Workshop on Language, Learning and Logic

  • 22 Aug 2011
  • 26 Aug 2011
  • MGSM Conference Centre, Macquarie University
Harvard-Australia Workshop on Language, Learning and Logic

MGSM Conference Centre, Macquarie University
22nd - 26th August 2011

The workshop brings together an interdisciplinary group of national
and international researchers to focus on fundamental research
questions lying at the intersection of language, logic and learning.
Philosophers and logicians study knowledge and how it can be
represented and manipulated, while linguists study how meanings are expressed in human languages.  Psychologists and computer scientists provide yet other viewpoints on how such knowledge is represented and acquired. Traditionally these questions have been investigated independently in separate faculties: logic has been studied by philosophers in the school of humanities, language has been studied by linguists in the social sciences, and learning has been studied by researchers from fields as disparate as psychology and computer science. This workshop brings together an eminent group of interdisciplinary researchers from Harvard and elsewhere to provide an opportunity for renewed interdisciplinary interaction on these fundamental questions.