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Registration & Abstract Submission can be completed consecutively. If you intend to submit an abstract in addition to registration, you should complete both the registration and abstract submission processes.
We welcome abstract submissions in all areas of philosophy. Abstracts can be submitted for papers, panel sessions including author meets critics and multi-author panel presentations. A limited number of remote presentations will be made available.
See the information section below for further details.
We especially welcome abstracts for the conference special streams:
History of Philosophy/AESMP, Philosophy in the Diaspora, Enabling Diverse Knowledges and Formal Methods in Philosophy. You can select your stream from the drop down menu on abstract submission.
Abstract Submission deadline: 2 June 2025 8pm AEST
Abstract length: 200 words.
Submit your abstract HERE
Accepted abstracts will appear HERE. Please allow one week after abstract submission for a decision.
We are accepting a limited numbers of papers for remote presentation. Streaming of papers will take place in 2 of the daily parallel sessions, alongside conference delegates who have opted to have their in person presentations streamed to our remote delegates. Preference of remote presentation slots will be given to individuals with consideration of accessibility, geography and financial need. If you select the option for remote presentation, you will receive a decision by 9 June 2025.
Contributed papers will be scheduled for 55 minutes, with approximately 30-35 mins for presentation and the remaining time for discussion.
Acceptance of an abstract at the conference must be accompanied by a conference registration, including any co-presenters. You may wait for confirmation of acceptance of your abstract prior to registering. To ensure your place on the schedule registration must be paid by 20 June 2025.
We accept no more than ONE paper from the same author or group of authors.
Should you and your colleagues have an idea for a stream to be offered at the conference, please have the stream convenor contact the conference committee convenor at conference@aap.org.au, with the following details:
(1) the title of the stream and (2) the people who will be giving presentations in the stream. The presenters will have to submit an abstract through the usual portal, but they should do so only after the stream convenor has contacted the conference committee convenor. The submission portal will contain a menu of streams, and the presenter should choose the stream in which they will present.